I think you often bring up some good questions. But there's an element of misogynoir in this piece that I'd be remiss for not pointing out. The question isn't about the use of the word "Hotep" --- because it can easily be replaced with "ashy," or any other insult. It's not even about comparing two separate cases (and if you want to go the bourgeoisie, neo-liberal route, it goes both ways and must be said that Cornell West turned on Obama because he didn't get all the free tickets he wanted to some inaugural balls to impress the younger white girlfriend he had at the time and told her that he and Barack were besties. I can verify this fact). The question is why Black men who talk about unity in the community date outside the community AND berate Black women for doing so. That is where the tweet comes from. It's the old adage: "do as I say, not as I do" and that the point this tweet is making.